
Mini DARUMA at Asakusa

身長 45mm
体重 12g
趣味 大相撲観戦
好きな食べ物 赤だしの味噌汁
特技 転んでもすぐ起きること
チャームポイント ちっちゃなおめめ






Daruma is a Buddhist priest who introduced Buddhism from India to China. They kept putting on zazen and said that they lost their hands and legs. So I am dressed like a photograph.

It is regarded as a good luck charm in Japan, and there are various characteristics of Daruma in each region. There is no black eye in both eyes, and I will buy it and put the black eye in the left eye. Then, when the prayers are satisfied, put black eyes on the right eye.

I put black eyes in both eyes from the beginning because Daruma looks poor.

When you come to Japan, be sure to go around various parts of Japan to meet various kinds of polishing.


不倒翁是将佛教从印度传入中国的佛教僧侣。他们不停地装腔作势, 说他们失去了手脚。所以我穿得像一张照片。

在日本被认为是一种吉祥符, 每个地区都有文莱的各种特征。两只眼睛都没有黑眼圈, 我会买下来, 把黑眼圈放在左眼。当祈祷完成时, 把黑眼圈放进右眼。

我从一开始就把黑眼睛放在两只眼睛里, 因为不倒翁看起来很穷。

如果你来日本旅行, 请走遍日本, 遇见各种不倒翁。